Research : Analysing A Music Video Using Andrew Goodwin's 6 Features Of Music Videos

The music video I have chosen to review for Andrew Goodwin's 6 features is DELS - 'Burning Beaches' in the urban category of the music videos, the award winning song for being the best budget video by 'The UK Music Video Awards'

Andrew Goodwin's 6 Features Of Music Videos:
1.   Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics. (e.g. stage performance in metal videos, dance routine for boy/girl band, aspiration in Hip Hop).

2.  There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. The lyrics are represented with images. (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).

3.  There is a relationship between music and visuals. The tone and atmosphere of the visual reflects that of the music. (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).

4.  The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).

5.  There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, mirrors, stages, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

6.  There are often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).

      1.   The music video agrees with Andrew's first point in the fact that it shows a lot of common characteristics which feature in urban and r & b music such as being set in very urban locations such as on the street or in modern and expensive houses set in urban locations. also the main actor is a black male which is often seen throughout urban music. This therefore highlights that the video demonstrates urban characteristics.

2.   There is a clear connection between the lyrics and the video with the mood being very dark and low suggesting problems which can also be heard throughout within the lyrics such as 'we argue and fight unnecessary' which is said while highlighting the female arguing with the male.

3.   The music within the video shows a connection with the video in that the video is quite dark and almost depressing with the lighting and visuals used and the music is very similar with the tempo being very slow and the piano used to highlight the emotion and sadness within the video.

4.   Throughout the video close-ups of the main artist are rarely seen at all with the video consisting mainly of lots of different objects such as the car or the fuel pump. therefore the video does not agree with Andrew's fourth point.

5.   The women within the music video are not referred to in a voyeuristic at all throughout however within common urban videos women are often seen wearing very revealing clothes and showing off a lot of their skin but this is not seen throughout this video with the male and female being dressed rather appropriately. Therefore the video does not support Andrew's 5th point.

6. from my own experience i can not identify any intertextual refrences within the music video 'burning beaches'  

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