Planning : Lighting

Lighting plays a big part in the planning and construction of a music video and helps in creating the scene and background by also separating the actor from the background by use of the lighting.during my music video the actor will be performing both in a park area where natural lighting will be used as well as in a darkened theatre in which the light will be focused primarily on the actor while he is performing therefore it is crucial that the lighting is correct to be able to see and distinguish him clearly in the spotlight however it still needs to look correct and professional in order to present high quality footage for the viewers.

with the lighting equipment at my disposal i have done various tests and experiments with the equipment in order to practice with the equipment and be confident when in use for the filming process and which equipment will be most suitable in given scenarios.
This piece of lighting equipment is a light box which is placed on top of a stand which an be altered in height  and angles so that the lighting is positioned in different ways.

this is the backdrop and set up that was used for the lighting tests and the images taken.

This is then the background without the use of the light boxes to provide that artificial light.

This is a photo which was taken before the addition of the light boxes to the setup in order to assess the difference that the light boxes would make to the quality and look of the images. 
Mishot of the subject placed in front of the Lightbox
Close up of the subject placed in front of the light box

The light box had the desired effect intended in this image produced. the clouds worked well against the blank backdrop and highlighted the subjects features. 

More shots of us testing out the equipment and taking various practice and test shots.

Another image of one of the light boxes used to illuminate the background.

more close ups of the subject in the artificial lighting from different angles and positions.

Another shot of the list box illuminating the background for the style of lighting required.

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